Python & Baseball Savant — Lesson #2
In our first blog entry here, we went over the very, very basics of Python, Pandas, and the Baseball Savant data set. You should check out that post first.
Most of the learning in this series will be right in the Python Notebooks. We talked about what those are in the first post. Here’s the direct link to the notebook from lesson 1.
In lesson #2 we dive more into pandas (which is the Python table management package) and the Baseball Savant dataset. Here’s the link to the notebook:
As we talked about in the first post, the best way to do this is to save the notebooks into your own Google Drive and then follow along. You do that with this option under the “File” menu:
There’s not much else worth saying here, I’ve written everything out and explained it as clearly as I can in the Notebook itself. So go ahead and dive in there.
You can reach out to me @JonPGH on Twitter with any questions, my DMs are open!